Daily Life in Iran
No freedom of speech. No democracy. No female rights. No alcohol. No drugs. -Limited chances to leave the country. How do people cope with their situation?
Family, work and enjoying the little things in life are their way to a happy life.

A strong bond with friends and family helps Iranians to overcome daily life's struggles. Escaping the heat on a weekend trip to the mountains or camping in the desert with their loved ones is their choice of refueling.

Life on the edge - the younger generation admires western lifestyles and has figured out ways to pursue them without being punished by the regime

The regime has been struggling to create opportunities for a highly educated workforce of lawyers, engineers and doctors. Iranians are happy to have some job at all in a situation where finding work can be devestating

The small things
Being able to support their families in times of economic struggles is crucial to them. Whether wealthy or not, for Iranians it comes down to enjoying the little things.

The rare feeling of freedom when taking of the hijab in a world dominated by religious policies.